About the Author
Successful author, Terri L. Watts, focuses on writing prophetic messages to the children of God. Ms. Watts has been a featured guest speaker on Christian radio and guest speaker at church related events to discuss topics from the launch of her first book, ‘Women Please Wake Up: Men Know What They Want,’ a semi-autobiography work, to the release of her current non-fiction book, Death and the Resurrection: From the Grave to Heaven. Ms. Watts’ second book, The Doublins: Your Hatred for the Marriage is Under the Law, released in 2006, was the predecessor to her new release about Death, the Resurrection and Judgment Day. Death and the Resurrection: From the Grave to Heaven, and The Doublins: Your Hatred for the Marriage is Under the Law, are two books to prepare God’s children for the Coming of the Lord. Also, Ms. Watts has designed and has written a family fun, [boy/girl] baby journal, to be launched (soon) along with her company, Baby Llama Furniture & Accessories: www.babyllamafurniture.com.
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