John Pyles was born in Sacramento, CA, March 3, 1988 to John and Cheryl Pyles Sr. John spent the majority of his life growing up in Houston, Tx. John completed his undergraduate studies at The University of Oklahoma in 2010 and now works as an Investigator with The State of Texas. Mr. Pyles has starred in Houston’s Dancing in the Streets Motown Revue and worked with Directors and writers all over the Houston area. John’s first acting opportunity came in 2010, and since then, he has starred in a number of stage plays. John has had the opportunity to tour throughout the Southern Region with Nephew Tommy and Ms. Tami Roman of VH1’s Basketball Wives. John’s passion for music and acting drives him to continue to perfect his craft. Mr. Pyles’ ultimate goal is to make God and his parents proud and become a Professional Singer/Actor.
Meet More Team Members
Nick Austin
Role of Rodney
Michael Amerson
Former Role of Quintin Jr.
Charles Ray Thompson
Role of Uncle Henry
Tanner Ellis
Role of David